Andrew Poplett Enterprises Ltd
Estates & Project Management Services
Phone Andrew Poplett 07799 713506 / 01665 574853    


IHEEM Code of Conduct for Authorising Engineers

Every Authorising Engineer shall at all times so order his conduct as to uphold the dignity and reputation of his profession and to safeguard the public interest in matters of safety and health and otherwise. He shall exercise his professional skill and judgment to the best of his ability and discharge his professional responsibilities with integrity. To this end the IHEEM Water Technical Platform has developed and maintains the following code of conduct for all registered AE(W)’s.
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Specialist Ventilation in Healthcare Society Code of Conduct

Every Authorising Engineer shall at all times so order his conduct as to uphold the dignity and reputation of his profession and to safeguard the public interest in matters of safety and health and otherwise. He shall exercise his professional skill and judgment to the best of his ability and discharge his professional responsibilities with integrity. To this end the SVH Society has developed and maintains the following code of conduct for all registered AE(V)’s.
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HTM 03-01 Part A (2021)

This HTM was prepared prior to the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It has been reviewed against the known transmission evidence available at the time of publication.
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HTM 03-01 Part B (2021)

Ventilation is one of many mitigations against the virus and should be part of a package of infection prevention and control measures. The ventilation rates recommended in this document are likely to provide a lower risk environment for COVID-19 airborne transmission.
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APE Ltd - HTM 03 Overview of changes

The principles and requirements for appropriate and effective ventilation with specific healthcare related issues are explained, including the legislative obligations and standards which must be considered.
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Technical Guidance VPT.GN.001.V01 Mar 21 Dental Facilities

This guidance note has been produced to provide a baseline minimum operational standard for dental practices with regards to the ventilation performance. The guidance includes both a principle section for the ventilation strategies to be considered for the standard operation of a dental care facility with a specific section for issues relating to the safe management of facilities during the current COVID-19 situation.
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IHEEM VTP Briefing Note Aspergillus & COVID

This guidance document has been produced to provide assistance to healthcare professional with responsibilities for the management, maintenance and use of critical ventilation systems.

It aims to outline factors to consider when assessing any critical ventilation system to ensure that unplanned unavailability issues are as far as reasonably practical minimised and identify control measures or mitigation in managing the identified risks.
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Cryptococcus Briefing for AE(V)’s, AP(V)’s & Estates Professionals

The following document has been issued by SVHSoc. in response to an incident of two patient deaths at a Glasgow hospital, reported as ‘due to infections of cryptococcus’.

The briefing document provides an information summary has been prepared to provide guidance and proportional advice to estates professionals, regarding any additional actions to consider to minimise or address estates ventilation related issues.
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Coronavirus COVID-19 - Briefing Guidance

This guidance document has been produced to provide assistance to healthcare estates professionals with responsibilities for the management, maintenance and use of critical ventilation systems.

The briefing is intended to provide an overview of the issues and points to consider when assessing the ventilation strategy and options. It has also been updated to provide some initial maintenance considerations and precautions which may need to be considered.

Following advice from Public Health England (Peter Hoffman) the briefing and guidance from the SVHSoc reflects the current official guidance and provides a range of options and areas for consideration for healthcare estates professionals to provide enhanced levels of protection for patients, staff, and visitors.
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Critical Ventilation Risk Assessment – Briefing Guidance

This guidance document has been produced to provide assistance to healthcare professional with responsibilities for the management, maintenance and use of critical ventilation systems.

It aims to outline factors to consider when assessing any critical ventilation system to ensure that unplanned unavailability issues are as far as reasonably practical minimised and identify control measures or mitigation in managing the identified risks.
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Derogation Protocol

The enclosed guidance is a template protocol for the management and control of derogations for any HTM / HBN or similar healthcare design standard. It is offered free from copyright and is available to be used or amend as appropriate by those who manage the process of derogations. It is intended as an approach which provides a means of management, however we do not accept any liability for its use or reproduction.
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Fire Damper Maintenance Guidance

The following document has been issued by SVHSoc. to help clarify Healthcare Ventilation maintenance requirements for fire and smoke dampers.

It highlights a number of commonly encountered problems and provides specific guidance and advice on the minimum standards to be provided to ensure patient safety in healthcare premises.
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SVH Guidance on Theatre Panels

The following document provides background and guidance to the factors to consider when specifying or designing a surgeons’ panel for the control of the ventilation systems present within an operating theatre environment.

It highlights a number of commonly encountered problems and provides specific guidance and advice on the minimum standards to be provided to ensure patient safety in healthcare premises.
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SVH Guidance on Air Filter Test Classification Standards

The following document has been issued by SVHSoc. in response to the new BS EN 16798-3:2017 which has replaced BS EN13779:2007. The BS EN defines the recommended last filter stage in air conditioning in correlation with the outside air quality and the required indoor air quality.

The air filter test standard and efficiency classification system were changed in 2016 from BS EN 779:2012 to BS EN 16890:2016. The guidance will explain how to determine the Outside Air Quality, pick the appropriate Supply Air Category and select a suitable filter classification.

It is important to recognise that in the Healthcare setting these new standards are not concerned with airborne infection protection but relate to the “Breathable” air quality for all persons within a building.
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